Chinch Bugs

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The name of this powerful insecticide is Ethion. This may surprise some gardeners, as this material first appeared 10 years ago to control mites. 

In the intervening years, it has been refined and made more powerful.

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Possibly the best part of this news is Ethion’s remarkably clear-cut and consistent results against those strains of chinch bugs which have developed resistance to D.D.T. and parathion. 

All experiments by the Niagara Chemical Division, F.M.C. Corporation in 1961 resulted in 99.88% control at four weeks after treatment and 99.41% after eight weeks when treated at the rate of 10 pounds of actual Ethion per acre.

Beneficial Side Effects Of Ethion

A beneficial side effect has been noted in such experiments. Sod webworms and armyworms were effectively controlled as well—a decided bonus.

Still another encouraging note. Ethion is much less hazardous to apply than previously used materials. No skull and cross bones are required on the label.

(It is only common sense, however, to use the material carefully. Wash it from the skin or clothing if it is spilled. Keep it from the eyes, mouth, and skin.)

Those wishing more specific recommendations for their own local conditions can contact the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Gainesville, Florida, where considerable work has been done along these lines.

As an application of this insecticide is usually made in the fall, ethion may solve a major problem quickly if you get to work at once.

44659 by Dr. Fred Nisbet