Spring Like Flower Show In The Home Greenhouse

november home greenhouse

Bloom in the greenhouse this month is comparable to the spring show.  Three classes of plants put on a spectacular performance:  These latter include many annuals:  Annual Seeds Some seed

Orchids For Beginner

Selecting orchids with which the average amateur is likely to succeed presents a rather difficult problem, for different conditions and individuals will be found in each instance.  The problem is

Make Your Hobby Profitable Sell Surplus Plants

Horticultural magazines provide instructions for growing almost every type of plant known. But seldom is there any information about the disposal of plants once they have reached the peak of

An Orchid In Your Window

One of the easiest orchids to grow at home is Phaius grandifolius, commonly known as the nun’s orchid.  Although the handsome foliage is large and palm-like, individual leaves are 2′

Cacti And Succulent Window Gardening

Just 20 years ago, I was bitten by the cactus bug while vacationing in Arizona. From that time on, the collecting fever has grown steadily worse. Until now, I have

Neanthe Bella – Pigmy Of Palms

Some catalogs list Neanthe bella as Collinia elegans, others as Chamaedorea elegans. In Hortus II, L. H. Bailey says that Neanthe is probably Collinia elegans and that Collinia differs from

Crossandra – No Unusual Culture

This evergreen plant with glossy gardenia-like foliage is becoming increasingly popular wherever it is offered to house plant growers. It does not require any unusual culture or care that is


From tropical America and other parts of the world, peperomias have become nearly indispensable foliage plants, able to adapt themselves to semi-sunny or shady locations in any home.  Except for

What Is A House Plant

Lately, the question I hear most often is “What is a houseplant?” And that’s a good question when you come right down to it, but not an easy one to