The Violets Pass In Review
Next to the dandelion, which grows in every part of the country, the common kinds of violets are the first flowers with which the average country-born child becomes acquainted. Their
The African violet, or saintpaulia, is some of the most popular house plants. They tolerate the temperature and humidity of the average home.
Several species and types of African Violets creep and trail. They flower in a window, or under fluorescent light.
They grow in moderate warmth and humidity in light, humus-rich soil. Keep the soil moist. Propagate by seeds, leaf and stem cuttings, or division of mature plants.
Most home growers say 300 foot-candles of light are necessary to produce bloom. On mature plants, a 40-watt fluorescent tube 11″ inches from the pot rim is about right.
Next to the dandelion, which grows in every part of the country, the common kinds of violets are the first flowers with which the average country-born child becomes acquainted. Their
Here are the favorite African violet varieties: 1st AWARD: Joe Schultz Most men bitten by the African violet hug favor robust-type plants like Du Ponts, Supremes, and Amazons. I, too,
If you can grow an African violet successfully without getting the urge to start a collection, you ought to be psychoanalyzed. You’re different!” We are normal people. start with one
“How can I make my African violet bloom? It has beautiful foliage but no flowers.” One answer to this prevalent plea is to grow the saintpaulia in a plastic globe
Saintpaulia, or African violet, is one of our widely grown house plants. Its popularity is based upon the beauty and wide variation of both flowers and foliage. The great adaptability
Our artificial sun rose about four years ago soon after my wife came home with a rather tired little African violet with one blossom and three buds. It was labeled
It is easy to understand why the African violet enjoys the reputation as the most popular house plant in the country. The answer is obvious—it simply possesses so many desirable
African violets are one of America’s favorite houseplants. So what are the secrets of their continued popularity? They can be grown in a small apartment; they flourish in well-lighted window
There is much excitement among African violet fans in Atlanta. No, it is not the discovery of a yellow-flowered variety or a brand-new type. Rather, it’s news of a comparatively
You don’t have to be a specialist to grow many African violet blooms without coddling. You can still enjoy their cheerful bloom if you like African violets but shrink from