Give You Bountiful Bloom

Bountiful Bloom

As American as firecrackers on the Fourth of July is Phlox paniculata, and a garden full of it blooming is as exciting as the soaring skyrockets the furled buds suggest—or

Seaweed Tons Of Free Fertilizer

Seaweed Fertilizer

Any gardener living near the seashore has a tremendous treasure chest of free fertilizer merely for the taking—seaweed. Not only does it contain the trace elements necessary for normal plant

Facts on Liquid Plant Foods

Liquid Plant Foods

Since 1950, liquid fertilizers have enjoyed a newfound and steadily increasing popularity among home gardeners.  This enthusiasm spotlights the power of modern advertising, for, lacking the impetus of the latter,

Crazy Fertilizer Idea Pays Off

Crazy Fertilizer Idea

If you stop to think about it, you can’t understand why it took so long for people to accept Tom Reilly’s “crazy” idea,  It was simple, as simple and natural

Balanced Diet For Your Lawn and Garden

Balanced Diet

What is a good lawn and garden fertilizer?  There have been many answers over the years, but from the frequency of weed-choked lawns, dead trees and shrubs, disease, and insect

Which Is It – Hunger or Disease?

Plant Disease

Deficiencies of plant-food nutrients are usually indicated by a general reduction of growth in garden plants. Chlorosis or poor foliage color often is also apparent.  Likewise, the poor light and

When and How To Feed House Plants

Feed Houseplant

To have happy house plants, it is necessary to know when and how to feed them. Even when a plant is growing in its proper compost, thought must also be