The pungent, fruity odor of ripening grapes on the side of an old barn is a sure reminder of Autumn with its bounteous harvest and its changing tints and shades, which enliven the landscape.

The clear, sunny days and that curious, encircling purplish haze which often settles down on hilly regions in the afternoon when the sun is on the wane add to our enjoyment of the ever-changing horizon.
Autumn: Sad Time of Year
To some, Autumn is a sad time of year, but why should it be? Is it not but the approaching rest period for the flowers, shrubs, and trees that we have cultivated and enjoyed since the last spring frost disappeared?
Yes, and it is time to plant anew for another spring. No true gardener who looks ahead to the changing seasons ever grows old – he only becomes richer in the experience of what the fragrant earth yields to him for his efforts.
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