
From tropical America and other parts of the world, peperomias have become nearly indispensable foliage plants, able to adapt themselves to semi-sunny or shady locations in any home. 

Except for three or four old standbys, indoor gardeners have sadly neglected them. There are many unusual kinds with handsome foliage. Give them a try!

In their native habitat, the wide distribution of peperomias is because their seeds are very small and sticky and readily cling to any surface. Birds have carried them to many parts of the tropics.

The watermelon begonia of florists may be called Peperomia sandersii, but it is known today as P. argyreia. Scores of people have grown it in dish gardens and planters for many years. 

It has been so popular in the past that collectors often omitted it in favor of less common types. 

Interest in the unusual peperomias has caused such a to-do that P. argyreia is enjoying a popularity revival today. 

There are many different types of growth found among the peperomias. There are semi-vining or trailing types, tall, semi-upright forms, and short, bushy types with an equally wide range of foliage. The leaves and stems are thick and fleshy. 

How To Grow Peperomias 

Some peperomias are more temperamental about cultural requirements than others. ‘Silver Mound’ (also called P. hederifolia) and ‘Emerald Ripple’ are attractive in the house, but root rot will invade if they are kept the least bit too damp. 

These varieties are excellent in situations where there is low light intensity. If you have had bad luck with them, try again. This time, keep them more on the dry side. That is, let the soil dry out slightly between waterings.

Peperomias, as a whole, prefer a loose soil mixture. Many of the newer and more delicate types and the older ones do best in a mixture of one-half peat moss, one-fourth sand, and one-fourth good garden loam.

These Peperomias form Rosettes 

The plants are almost stemless in the first group of peperomias, and the leaves form attractive rosettes. 

Peperomia Argyreia

Peperomia argyreia (P. sandersii) is better known as the watermelon begonia because of its round leaves with silver bands radiating from the upper center. The stems are bright red. 

Peperomia Griseo Argentea

P. griseo argentea (‘Silver Mound’ or P. hederifolia) is a bushy rosette of round cordate, quilted leaves that are glossy silver if they do not receive too much light. 

A sport of this species, ‘Blackie,’ has leaves of a metallic olive-green to blackish copper, depending on the light

Peperomia Caperata

P. caperata (‘Emerald Ripple’) develops a dense cluster of roundish, heart-shaped leaves of dark, forest green, which is deeply corrugated and quilted. Its variety ‘Tricolor’ is a variegated sport which is becoming popular

Peperomia Marmorata

P. marmorata (‘Silver Heart’) is an attractive plant with thin, heart-shaped leaves which taper to a long point. Of similar form, P. verschaffeltii is even more attractive.

In the next group of peperomias, we consider the semi-upright forms, which include some of the largest as well as smallest members of the family. P. obtusifolia is a common green species. 

It has medium-sized oval, fleshy, and waxy leaves. P. obtusifolia variegata is like its parent, except the leaves are heavily variegated with creamy yellow.

There are also miniature versions of both the green and variegated forms of P. obtusifolia which do not grow so fast and are even more free-branching.

Peperomia Obtusifolia

P. obtusifolia ‘White Cloud’ is similar to the common variegated form except with pure white markings. P. obtusifolia ‘Silver Edge’ has glossy green leaves edged with a narrow silver band.

P. obtusifolia ‘Marble’ is a deep yellow form with beautiful marbleized yellow and green foliage.

Peperomia Maculosa

An ornamental plant is P. maculosa with pendant, lanceolate leaves up to seven inches in length. The leaves are waxy bluish gray-green with silvery green to ivory ribs.

Peperomia Magnoliifolia

P. magnoliifolia is a robust growing species with fleshy leaves four or five inches long of a glossy, fresh green color on brownish-green stems. Similar to P. obtusifolia. 

Peperomia Clusiifolia

P. clusiifolia is a slow-growing plant with thick, fleshy, narrow leaves of metallic green with an edging of reddish purple. It is a true species and not a variety of P. obtusifolia. 

I consider it and P. obtusifolia variegata two of the most attractive peperomias in this class. 

P. clusiifolia variegata could be called a tri-color as it studies green leaves, variegated creamy yellow, and occasionally edged in red. This variety is a very slow grower and scarce, but well worth the hunt.

This Peperomia Likes Cacti

P. incana could be classed as a succulent. It has been found in the natural state growing alongside cacti. This one has broadly heart-shaped, fleshy gray leaves covered with white felt.

Peperomia Arifolia

P. arifolia, which is sometimes known as P. polybotrya or P. pericati, has thick, shiny green shield-like leaves with a lighter spot where the leaf is attached to the petiole. 

Several variegated forms are coming into the trade.

Velvet Pinwheel

‘Velvet PinWheel’ is a most interesting peperomia with small, thick, oval leaves in whorls of four to six around a red stem. The entire plant is covered with fuzz.

Peperomia Blanda

P. blanda has small grayish olive-green leaves, elliptic in shape, that are pinkish on the underside and grow on an upright, sturdy plant.

Peperomia Metallica

A very attractive plant is P. metallica from Peru, which has dark reddish stems and narrow, waxy, shiny leaves of reddish copper with a metallic luster and a silver-green band down the middle. I have found this peperomia a little “tricky” in its habits. 

If it doesn’t have the care it desires, it will simply sulk, droop, and die. It is especially sensitive to too much moisture. 

Small branches root very readily in moist sand, so one can always have beautiful bushy plants available with little effort.

Peperomia Dolabriformis

P. dolabriformis, the “prayer peperomia,” is a curious plant with fleshy spatulate leaves folded together, showing a pale green translucent layer across the upper edge of the leaf. 

It always attracts attention with all of the thick green leaves growing sideways on the stems and appearing as swollen sickles. This is indeed one of the most novel and unusual plants — a true conversation piece.

Bushy, Semi-Upright Peperomias

In the semi-upright forms, we find several small bushy types that are very appropriate for small planters. Only the choices of these are listed.

Peperomia Verticillata

P. verticillata (rubella or pulchella) is a small upright, bushy plant with hairy red stems. The crimson stems are densely set with whorls of tiny olive-green leaves marked with a silver network of veins and vivid crimson on the underside. 

Peperomia Nivalis

P. nivalis is a very attractive succulent type of peperomia with clustering stems that are covered with small, keel-shaped, almost folded aromatic leaves. Their inner surface is light green, while the underside is buff green. 

Peperomia Astrid

Peperomia ‘Astrid’ (‘Pixie’) is a lovely plant that was first introduced into this country from Sweden, although it is probably a South American native. 

It has short green stems with numerous waxy, light green, spoon-like leaves on short, stiff petioles. 

If crowded, the leaves stay small (pixie-like) and densely clustered. P. ‘Astid’ variegata has a distinct silver stripe down the center of each leaf.

Peperomia Ornata

P. ornata is a striking species that has a short, stout stem that supports a cluster of symmetrical, elliptic, fleshy leaves on stiff red stalks.

These are green with lengthwise lighter veins above and paler beneath with conspicuous parallel, purplish red ribs.

We have several lovely forms in the semi-trailing class of peperomias, such as P. glabella variegata with its slender, rosy pink stems and dainty light green elliptic leaves heavily variegated white.

P. cubensis is a sturdy but soft and graceful little self-branching plant with reddish stems and fresh green leaves.

Peperomia Scandens

P. scandens has fleshy- stems and waxy, green, heart-shaped leaves that remind one of a miniature philodendron. There is also a variegated form of P. scandens that has leaves edged in cream

Peperomia Puteolata

P. puteolata (lanceolata) is a gorgeous hanging plant with angled stems, long, slender leathery, pointed leaves of waxy dark green, with five contrasting, parallel, yellowish veins depressed on the surface

Peperomia Fosteriana

P. fosteriana has deep forest-green leaves with light olive, parallel veins. The leaves are set in two or three whorls around a dark red stem. It is a beautiful plant and readily available. 

Peperomia Reflexa

P. reflexa is an interesting small thread-like creeper with wiry green stems and small, round, light green leaves striped deeper.

Peperomia Urocarpa

P. urocarpa (‘Brazilian Queen’) is a self-branching and vining plant that is attractive when trained on small plastic trellises. 

It has branches of fleshy, light green, pubescent leaves with lighter parallel veins. The leaves are silvery white beneath, and most are splashed with red dots.

Weber’s Basket

‘Weber’s Basket’ is a bushy branching peperomia with small bright green leaves. A delightful plant.

Care of Peperomia

Peperomias are remarkably free of insect and disease pests and are rarely troubled. But, like most foliage plants, they appreciate regular feedings of a good complete houseplant fertilizer. 

Say, “Merry Christmas!” 

44659 by Grafton J. Longden, Jr.