Shrub Rose Bushes: The Easy Care Roses and Summer Long Color

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Rose development follows a pattern of many plants, out with the old and in with the new. Many rose fanciers switch their allegiance from one type of rose to another. The knockout shrub rose bush is just one example.

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Attributes Always In Demand

This present change will probably not be as radical or as spontaneous as that which preceded it. Yet there is every indication of a trend towards types of greater stature, disease resistance, and bloom production. These desired attributes are always in demand.

Rose hybridizers are always attempting a further improve the bloom form and color range in rose classes by recrossing them.

This plays a significant part in developing the new classes destined to replace the “newest fad rose” to some degree. To accomplish this objective, possibly some desirable characteristics may be sacrificed.

Related: Learn Tips On How To Make Use Of Shrub Roses

Genes Play A Part

Hardiness, for example, will undoubtedly decrease since the gene for this vital attribute, though present, is certainly not dominant in the hybrid tea class as a whole.

An increase in disease susceptibility and loss of vigor may also be expected with more hybrid tea “blood” infusions. This does not imply that we have reached the end of the road in rose development or that further improvement is impossible.

Until the “perfect rose” was created, we must satisfy our rose desires by planting available varieties. Even the most discriminating can find something satisfying in our present-day catalogs.

More Popular If Known

Several types within the genus Rosa would be popular if their attributes were known. Let us consider those old roses, species, and modern shrub types, which are obtainable from various growers.

Lack of publicity has often thwarted a genuine appreciation of their worth.

Admittedly, some of these roses flower once a year, but since we are satisfied with a comparative seasonal display by other shrubs, why should we expect a rose to bloom repeatedly?

Indeed, the profusion, duration, and beauty of bloom shrub roses provide are surpassed by few, if any, other shrubs.

As an added attribute, many of the shrub roses produce brilliantly colored fruits of various hues and forms that add beauty to the fall and winter garden display. They attract birds, but they are exceedingly attractive in flower arrangements, both dried and fresh.

The simplicity and natural beauty of the usually live-petaled flowers and their attractive foliage appeal to the flower arranger.

Blooms are remarkably long-lasting if cut in the bud stage (the evening before they open) and placed immediately in warm (110° F.) water, allowed to cool gradually to room temperature. When they open entirely on the plant, the blossoms of the species shatter within a few hours after cutting.

Related: Learn about Winter Protection for Roses

Dependably Hardy Shrub Roses

Most shrub roses are dependably hardy throughout the country. They have a bushy habit and, in comparison with the hybrid teas, are more resistant to diseases. They would further score high in competition for overall value with shrubs of any other genus.

You’ll find Father Hugo’s rose (Rosa hugonis), for example, far superior to forsythia as an early yellow-blooming shrub. Rosa spinosissima ‘Altaica,’ a variety of the Scotch rose, definitely surpasses members of the mock-orange family as a white flowering shrub.

In addition, several shrub roses flower again as freely as the hybrid teas.

Failure to publicize the virtues of shrub roses has handicapped their distribution. Stop for a moment to think of all the uses these roses offer in landscape planting? However, do not be misled to believe that roses of this type should completely replace those of other classes.

Instead, they may be planted to advantage in combination with other plants because they require no more attention than many shrubs.

Annual Pruning Of Shrub Roses

Generally speaking, the annual removal of dead and exceedingly old canes and cutting back rampant growth will usually suffice.

More drastic pruning may increase the size of the individual blossoms and perhaps improve the plant’s symmetry, but there will be fewer flowers. Frequently the natural shape of the plant is spoiled in too severe pruning.

Heavy Feeding Shrub Roses?

Heavy feeding is unnecessary, although rose plants grow and bloom better if fed occasionally. On the other hand, species of roses tend to sulk or produce lush foliage if provided too generously at the expense of flowers.

As wild roses of the world, they are not accustomed to highly fertile soils or pampering in their native environments.

Home rose gardeners discover; shrub roses thrive where other shrubs merely exist. They appreciate their sturdiness, dependability, and decorative value under adverse conditions.

Compiling a list of these roses is difficult since many desirable ones may not be obtainable.

It may take some effort looking through catalogs or online, but if you are fond of roses and do not have time to care for the more temperamental hybrid teas, shrub roses are for you to consider.