Tips On The Summer Care of Dahlias

summer care dahlias

Whether dahlias are grown for cutting or garden display or for exhibiting at flower shows, if they are to do their best, they must be pinched or cut back about

Why Not Plant Dahlias?

Plant Dahlias

Come a pleasant morning in late April, and I am reminded that it is time to prepare my dahlia beds to receive the tubers which have previously been divided. By

How To Dig, Divide, And Store Dahlias


To prepare your dahlias for winter storage, cut the stems 6” inches or so above the ground after the first killing frost. Allow tubers to remain in the ground for

How Many Types Of Dahlia Flowers Are There?

Different Dahlia Types

Here are the excellent Dahlia types: Single Dahlias Single dahlias have open-centered flowers, with only one row of ray florets and the margins flat or nearly so, regardless of the