Enter The Wonderful World Of The Indoor Garden
A garden indoors is both a joy and a challenge. Joy springs front growing plants out of their normal season, perhaps when the outdoor garden lies deep in snow; front
A garden indoors is both a joy and a challenge. Joy springs front growing plants out of their normal season, perhaps when the outdoor garden lies deep in snow; front
For years, I’d tried to interest my husband in my indoor gardening activities. Windows full of blooming African violets failed to impress him. Huge, flaring amaryllis drew a passing glance.
If you are a house plant enthusiast interested in the infinite variety and simple austerity of succulents, you are fortunate, indeed. These sturdy individuals are made-to-order for gardeners with a
If you want color on your windowsill, try growing gloxinias. No other house plants can provide the interesting variations and color range of the new gloxinia hybrids, and no other
You don’t need high temperatures to grow orchids. There is a common belief among those who have never grown orchids that they require an excessively hot greenhouse, imitating conditions of
Perhaps no other class of house plant needs so little care or, plainly speaking, endures so much neglect as the big family called succulents. Some of this family’s most dependable
If variety is not always the spice of life, it certainly is in the case of the window garden. Most of us have our favorites, without which we could not
One of my window plants’ most enjoyable and dearest is Baby’s Tears, Helxine soleiroli. Visitors often ask me, “How do you care for your plant? Mine dies after I’ve had
This is the final installment of a primer of foliage plants for the collector. The preceding installments appeared in the September and October issues of Flower Grower. Save all three
What true gardener hasn’t experienced a kind of sad, “gone” feeling every fall when he has had to put his garden to bed for the winter”? And it’s no wonder